Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pete Buttigieg IS Not A Christian

Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg thinks so let's make the record clear here: i will start here, first Pete Buttigieg your not a Christian at all! to be a Christian, you much become ex-gay, got that! ex gay, you need repentance and Deliverance . for homosexual, got that? Deliverance for homosexual, One of the main things that Jesus did in His earthly ministry was deliverance

What is repentance and is it necessary for salvation?

Question: "What is repentance and is it necessary for salvation?"  Repentance and faith can be understood as two sides of the same coin. It is impossible to place your faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior without first changing your mind about your sin and about who Jesus is and what He has done

Many understand the term repentance to mean “a turning from sin.” Regretting sin and turning from it is related to repentance, but it is not the precise meaning of the word. In the Bible, the word repentmeans “to change one’s mind.” The Bible also tells us that true repentance will result in a change of actions (Luke 3:8–14Acts 3:19). In summarizing his ministry, Paul declares, “I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds” (Acts 26:20). The full biblical definition of repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of action.         

changing your mind about your sin Ex-homosexual publically shares his testimony,

Ex-homosexual testimony

once lived as a gay man, but now I’m married

Here you will find powerful pro-life arguments based upon secularmedicallegal and scientific facts. However, since this site is Christian in nature, we refute any attempt to reinterpret the Bible's strong stance against abortion or to minimize its declaration of the sanctity of human life. We also take the pro-life position that any attempts to promote eugenics or restrict reproduction of minorities is evil  

The Bible and Abortion: The Biblical Basis for a Prolife Position

The Old Testament provides most of the information on God's view of life before birth, since it gives us the law. The law specifically addresses the issue of taking the life of a fetus in the book of Exodus:



  1. Thank you for providing that Trump is not a Christian when your rules are applied to his unrepentant adultery....

  2. I ever say trump was a Christian and this about Pete Buttigieg , how did Trump show up? nice try, playing the trump card
