Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shouldn’t Women Be Able to Control Their Own Bodies?

The battle over abortion and birth control in the United States has been raging for nearly a century.  A cartoon in the May 1919 issue of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review shows a woman being crushed by a giant roll of paper labeled “Laws Controlling Women’s Bodies.”
“Woman’s body, woman’s choice” is the most common slogan pro-abortionists have used during the entire conflict.  Two variations are the indignant demand “What makes you religious fanatics think you can tell me what to do with my uterus?,” and the tiresome chant “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries!”
Interestingly, the first person to make the “woman’s body, woman’s choice” argument for abortion was the spiritual father of the “pro-choice” movement, the Marquis de Sade.  In 1797, he wrote:
The penalty against child-murdering mothers is an unexampled atrocity.  Who then has a greater right to dispose of the fruit than she who carries it in her womb? … To interfere with the usage a woman chooses to make of it is stupidity carried beyond any conceivable extreme.1
This is an unscientific and emotional response, and should be treated as such.

The Pro-Life Response

To begin with, it is impossible to reply directly to this slogan unless we have the user clarify what he or she means by it.  All we need to do is ask “Why do you consider the unborn child to be a part of the woman’s body?”
The usual response is momentary hesitation, followed by one of three possible answers;
(1)  The fetus (unborn child) relies on the mother completely for its existence;
(2) The fetus is inside her body, therefore it is part of her body; or
(3)  The fetus is a parasite.
You can give concise and effective answers to each of these.
(1)  The unborn child relies on the mother. When asked to clarify, most pro-abortionists will argue that the unborn baby is totally dependent upon the mother.  They are implying that this allows the mother the “right” to dispose of her baby.
These are separate arguments and should be treated as such.  Certainly a newborn baby is just as dependent upon its parents for all of its needs as one not yet born, and will quickly die if not cared for.  Does this mean that the newborn baby can be neglected or killed outright?
Unfortunately, many hard-hearted “intellectuals” have been arguing for decades that it is perfectly permissible to allow handicapped children to die, calling this “fourth-trimester abortion” or “post-natal abortion.”
For example, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Francis Crick, one of the co-discoverers of DNA, has claimed that “No newborn infant should be declared human until it has passed certain tests regarding its genetic endowment, and that if it fails these tests, it forfeits the right to live.”2  Hastings Center ethicist Joseph Fletcher has said that “It is ridiculous to give ethical approval to the positive ending of sub‑human life in utero, as we do in therapeutic abortions, but refuse to approve of positively ending a sub‑human life in extremis [after birth].”3
(2)  The unborn child is inside the mother
The second assertion is that the unborn child is inside his or her mother, and is therefore part of her body.
However, the unborn baby being inside the mother’s body no more makes him or her a part of her body than being inside a car makes one a part of the car, or being in a building makes one a part of that building.
Sometimes a pro-abortionist will try to combine these arguments, saying that the unborn child is inside the mother, depends on her completely, and is therefore part of her body.  We can reply by describing an analogous situation involving astronauts in space.  They are totally dependent upon their vessel for everything — their air, water, food, and all of their other needs.  If they should exit the vehicle unprotected, they would be nonviable, and would die in minutes.  This also holds true for a nonviable unborn baby.  Yet no thinking person would argue that the astronauts are only one component of their space vehicle, and, as such, are disposable!
Even the staff of Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion President in our nation’s history, recognizes the unborn child as a separate human being.  Pregnant women entering the White House must formally register their unborn children as separate visitors, with “Baby” as the first name, expected birth date, sex if known, and even “000-00-0000” as a Social Security number!4
This silly policy demonstrates the totally illogical and schizophrenic nature of pro-abortion “thinking.”
(3)  The unborn child as parasite
Pro-abortionists have a pressing need to dehumanize the unborn child in order to salve the guilt they feel when they support the practice of abortion or actually have one.  Sometimes they will resort to the “fetus as parasite” argument, going beyond dehumanization to paint the unborn child as some sort of disgusting wormlike abomination draining the blood and life force from its “host.”
Third-trimester abortionist Warren Hern insists in his book Abortion Practice that “The relationship between the gravid female and the feto-placental unit can be understood best as one of host and parasite.”5
When pro-abortionists insist that the unborn child is a parasite, they are acknowledging its separate nature, because parasites are never part of their host’s body.  They are biologically separate and distinct organisms.  Anyone denying this fact is simply being anti-scientific.
One way to clarify your point is to ask the pro-abortionist a question.  If they went to some underdeveloped part of the world and picked up a tapeworm because they ate some insufficiently cooked food, would they consider that parasite to be a part of their body?

Woman and Child:  Separate Bodies, Separate Natures

If an unborn baby were part of its mother’s body, it would share all of her biological characteristics.  After all, geneticists can positively identify the individual person from whom a cell came by examining its genetic structure.
In order to highlight the fact that the baby is a separate being, consider these facts, which not even the most ignorant pro-abortionist can deny:
  • All mothers are obviously female. About half of their children are male.  How can a human being be both male and female?
  • The mother and baby frequently have different blood types.
  • The baby can be a different race from the mother.
  • Every cell in the mother’s body has a set of chromosomal characteristics that is entirely distinct from every cell in the baby’s body.
  • When the unborn child anchors to the uterine wall, there is a concerted attack by white blood cells to defeat him, and he must defend himself. The mother’s immune system recognizes it as “non-self.”  Therefore, it is not part of her body.
  • The baby can die without the mother dying. The mother can die without the baby dying (the baby can be rescued if he is viable.)
  • The unborn baby initiates a process that culminates in its leaving the mother’s body. Challenge a pro-abortionist to name any other body organ that does this.


Pro-lifers agree that a woman does indeed have the right to control her own body.  However, the right to privacy and control over one’s body does not in any way imply the right to destroy another person’s body.  And a woman has already procreated when she has conceived.



  • The Marquis de Sade, quoted in “Yet another Effort, Frenchmen.” Juliette [New York City:  Grove Paperbacks, Inc.], 1968, pages 336, 782 and 783.  It is interesting to note that de Sade’s novels were replete with several recurring themes, one of the strongest of which was the pleasure which certain disturbed individuals derive from killing both pregnant women and unborn children.  In one of his grisly and deranged novels, he describes with great relish the skewering of a pregnant woman with a red hot iron rod driven through both her and her unborn baby, as described in Dr. Kenneth M. Mitzner.  “The Abortion Culture.”  Triumph, March 1973, pages 20 to 24.
  • Nobel Prize winner Dr. Francis Crick. Pacific News Service, January 1978.
  • Hastings Center ethicist Joseph Fletcher. “Four Indicators of Humanhood?:  The Enquiry Matures.”  Hastings Center Report, December 1974.
  • Steven Ertelt. “White House:  Abortion OK, but Visitors Must Register Unborn Children.”  LifeNews, May 8, 2012.
  • Abortionist Warren Hern. Abortion Practice.  B. Lippincott Company, 1984.https://www.hli.org/resources/shouldnt-women-able-control-bodies/

Monday, November 25, 2019

California Won't Buy Cars From GM, Chrysler or Toyota Because They Sided With Trump Over Emissions, As Obama Takes Victory Lap Over Auto Industry Rescue.

Obama should feel welcome, it’s Detroit and Michigan. In his visit to the North American International Auto Show today, he took a victory lap touting his administration’s bailout of General Motors GM +0% and Chrysler.
The decision to bail out General Motors and Chrysler, and aid their financing subsidiaries and suppliers through loan guarantees in 2009 in the teeth of the economic meltdown that gripped world markets, was hotly debated at the time and since. But given the 640,000 auto industry jobs created since then and the record sales by the industry in 2015, the President has room to crow.
"I think the president is well entitled to come to Detroit to celebrate the auto industry, because he made some very tough decisions that at the time were politically very unpopular," Steven Rattner, former “car czar” who advised the President on the bailout told mlive.com ahead of the President’s visit.

The state of California is taking aim at GM (GM), Chrysler, Toyota, Nissan and other automakers that are aligning with the Trump administration in its battle over emissions rules.
California issued a statement late Monday saying that as of January the state would only buy vehicles from automakers that recognize the California Air Resources Board's authority to set tough greenhouse gas emissions standards for vehicles. California also pledged only to do business with automakers that committed to stringent emissions reduction goals.
Separately, the state also said it will no longer buy sedans that are powered only by internal combustion engines, no matter who manufactures the car. It will buy only plug-in electric or hybrid sedans, although California would make an exception for certain public safety vehicles. That rule does not apply to SUV or truck purchases.
"Car makers that have chosen to be on the wrong side of history will be on the losing end of California's buying power," said California Governor Gavin Newsom in a statement. "In court, and in the marketplace, California is standing up to those who put short-term profits ahead of our health and our future."

Monday, November 18, 2019

Justice Gorsuch Condemns The Death And Suicide Cult And Condemns Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia as A Violation Of Basic Legal Tenets Of American law.

Image result for the future of assisted suicide and euthanasia summary

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch has written The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, a book that eloquently condemns assisted suicide and euthanasia as a violation of basic legal tenets of American law.
In the process of his criticism, he reasserted the value of life and the individual and sounded an alarm about the values of life and the individual that were at risk from the aggressive project to promote euthanasia and assisted suicide.
There is no doubt that Gorsuch provides the most thorough and compelling condemnation of assisted suicide and euthanasia yet.  He certainly puts a hole in the side of the ship of the cult of death.  His book provides a thorough overview of the ethical and legal issues raised by assisted suicide and euthanasia and a comprehensive argument against the legalization of these heinous acts.
Judge Gorsuch evaluates the ethical arguments for euthanasia and assisted suicide, lays out the evidence on how these projects result in a casual dismissal of the meaning of life in places where the new approach has been adopted like the Netherlands and Oregon, and makes a strong case for the malfeasance and immoral conduct these enabling laws create. 
Judge Gorsuch assesses the ethical and moral arguments of the advocates of a liberated approach to killing the useless eaters and the disabled when contrasted with the principle that intentional killing is always wrong.  

Judge Gorsuch is leery of killing depressed and hopeless individuals for the obvious reason: their depressed state is a pathological state in itself, deserving of treatment, not enablement.  Judge Gorsuch builds a robust argument against legalization when he confronts the ethical arguments for assisted suicide and euthanasia.  He explores evidence and case histories from the Netherlands and Oregon, where the practices have been legalized.  He analyzes libertarian and autonomy-based arguments for legalization as well as the impact of key U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the debate.  And he examines the history and evolution of laws and attitudes regarding assisted suicide and euthanasia in American society.
After assessing the strengths and weaknesses of arguments for assisted suicide and euthanasia, Gorsuch builds a reasonable and powerful moral and legal argument against legalization, one based on a principle that, surprisingly, has largely been overlooked in the debate — the idea that human life is intrinsically valuable and that intentional killing is always wrong.  At the same time, the argument Gorsuch develops leaves wide latitude for individual patient autonomy and the refusal of unwanted medical treatment and life-sustaining care, permitting intervention only in cases where an intention to kill is present.
Those on both sides of the assisted suicide question will find Gorsuch's analysis a thoughtful and stimulating contribution to the debate about one of the most controversial public policy issues of our day.  
I would add to Judge Gorsuch's presentation the essay by  Dr. Leo Alexander that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1949, an analysis of the reasons why the Nazi physicians were able to kill and maim individuals considered inferior or not deserving of consideration as human — for political, social, or ideological reasons.  Dr. Alexander, an American neurologist/psychiatrist, a Jew, educated in Vienna, investigator for the Nuremberg Tribunal that had Nazi physicians on trial for war crimes, asserts that the moral limits are violated when individuals and the society at large accept the idea that there are sub-humans who are expendable, unacceptable, inferior, or a burden or disabled so they cannot contribute.  If the status of those individuals is considered less than human, the easy step is to treat them as subhuman, candidates for abuse and extermination by the will of the state and its officials.
There is an ominous taint to the idea that the law and the government will enable killing people because they are sick or depressed, or disabled, or just old and willing to end it. 
ISBN-13: 978-0-691-12458-2 Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ 2006 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

White man explains why he identifies as a Filipino? He A Liar

Hot Female Filipino

1.Image result for jenny rose philippines

Lying White Boy

 Hot Female Filipino

Image result for jenny rose love me

52 Personal Questions A Man Need to Ask a Girl To Spark Deep Conversations.

f you need a little extra help (or just some luck) with the ladies, you should use personal questions to ask a girl.
You may have heard the key to getting a girl to fall for you is acting uninterested. But here’s the thing:
That approach might work in high school… but when you’ve met someone special you need to show her you care by getting to know her on a personal level.
With the right questions to ask, you’ll show her how interesting you find her. Perfectly used personal questions make her feel valued and help you truly get to know her.
Whether you’re looking for help with how to get a girlfriend or searching for questions to ask a girl you’ve been dating for a while, these personal questions to ask a girl will show just how much you care.

Friday, November 15, 2019

21 Questions To Ask a Girl, So Again Proving Again, That A Man Can Ever Be A Women!

Image result for man questions to ask a girl

21 Questions to Ask a Girl ― Soyou have liked her for a long time, and finally, she agreed to go out with you. But now, you have a new problem – What to ask a girl? You’ve already looked up all the questions about favorite books and movies, and you’re scared they could make the conversation go quiet.
So, here is a small manual! Find out what all you can ask, as some things are better to know at the very beginning of your friendship. Of course, ask these questions and be moderate to your girl, do not make her feel like she is under a police investigation.

21 Questions to Ask a Girl

1. What are your secret skills?

Girls love to talk about themselves, and besides being well presented, this question will be an excellent opportunity for them to brag about themselves too. Whether you like this question or not, it is surely one of the good questions to ask a girl.

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Remaining Time -1:33

2. What was your favorite childhood toy?

She may not respond immediately, but if it is slightly persuaded you will surely get a good laugh. Moreover, this question will introduce you to a gentle soul, worthy of attention.

3. What was the best gift you’ve ever given to someone?

things to ask a girl

You can’t afford to miss bringing out this question if you are really serious about asking interesting questions. This is another opportunity for her to boast about herself and a great way to see how attentive she is when it comes to others.

4. What is the most embarrassing that happened to you in primary school?

funny questions to ask a girl

Start with her funniest incident if you do not wish to embarrass her, and then continue. It is important that she realizes that the most important thing to you is to find out everything related to her and that, also, you want to have perfect a fun time on your date. (via)

5. What would you grab if your house was on fire?

best questions to ask a girl

This is a good way to figure out her life priorities. Maybe she is someone who binds to things, so it would be good to know what and why they are important to her.
Maybe she will give you the perfect explanation for how would she act in such circumstances, and that could make you happier than what your expectations were. (via)

6. What is your destination for the trip of your dreams?

interesting questions to ask a girl

Still confused about what to ask a girl? Ask her this question! Besides that you’ll find out whether your desires are similar, you are going to leave a good impression. How? Because your sweetheart would think that you want to travel with her somewhere, and it’s always tempting to girls.

7. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grow up? And do you still want it?

questions to ask a girl you like

You’ll find out what are her life’s ambitions – perhaps she has achieved what she, as a small girl, set as a target. Such seemingly silly and childish questions can help a lot to know what kind of person is in front of you.

8. If you got stuck in the elevator and was forced to listen to only one song, which would it be?

Taste in music says a lot about people, and this is a far more interesting way of commenting on music than classical, which is her favorite band.

9. What was your worst job?

Interesting stories about horrible bosses and colleagues, there is always a good subject for conversation, especially if you have a similar experience in that field.
Ask her about her work, although perhaps it is boring and nobody is interested too much.
She will feel good because finally there is someone with whom she can talk about what she does. Certainly, one of the good questions to ask someone you like.

10. What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

She may not want to answer you if the advice applies to you – men. But if she is proud, because she has accepted that advice and acted on it, she will certainly tell you about that as something that makes her proud of and what meant a lot in her life. (via)

11. Which social game was your favorite while growing up?

questions to ask a girl to get to know her

If love is born between you, and you become a couple, you will never be bored. If nothing else, you are going to entertain along with your favorite social game and enjoy the time spent together.
In case you do become a couple, make sure to check out these love quotes. They are the perfect ones to describe your love for her.

12. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

questions to ask a girl over text

This question is similar to that where she would like to travel. People aspire to live somewhere where they aren’t often, and where they can travel only sometimes. This question can spread the story out all night, and probably will include many other topics.

13. How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason?

If she says that they are crossed out forever, ask yourself what you can expect in the future. It shows that she has radical decisions. A quality person will not have prejudices but will try to rise above the situation and find the positive side, whatever it comes to.

14. Would you go out with me …?

questions to ask a girl to see if she likes you

On this question to ask your crush, you can freely add an activity in which typically girls do not find something too interesting – certainly, honorable exceptions – e.g.,… in the shop of computer equipment or a sports equipment or some sports competition.
If she cares about you, she will keep you company, and you will return the favor, I am sure. Maybe you will go shopping with her, or you finish watching a romantic movie of her taste. Relationships are based on compromises, and if you want to take a while, make an effort.
Further Reading21 Questions Game

15. What have you learned from your past relationship?

Personal questions to ask a girl

You want to see what she respects in the relationship and to the boys. You will discover she still has some feelings for her ex. And what kind of person they were. Do not despair if she praises and mentions their good qualities because it means that she knows what it’s worth, as the lady with a soft heart. (via)

16. What is the most important thing that guys should understand about the girl, and it seems to you that they do not understand?

personal questions to ask your girlfriend

Get ready, the answer to this question should teach you a lot. But, make sure not to go into the debate at least on the first date, because perhaps the second one will never happen. Even though it is a good question to ask a girl, you can avoid this you don’t want to hear anything bad about us guys!

17. Who is your best friend?

Questions To Ask A Girl About Her Friends

A good friend will always support her dreams and to be a more beautiful part of her life. True friendship means selfless giving and taking. Good friends are those who work together to solve many of life’s questions. If there are quality people next to her, then she’s just the same. Another should be asked no matter what question, in our list of 21 questions to ask a girl.
Further ReadingThe Hardest Would You Rather Questions

18. Would you like to change something about me?

Expect her to say: “Absolutely nothing, you are perfect.” But, it’s not the real answer! Here you can see how much she is honest with you. She probably would change something, at least, the laces on sneakers. Honesty is one of the principles of an ideal relationship. It’s a really good question to ask a girl.

19. With what phrases were guys trying to conquer you with?

dating questions to ask a girl

This will make you laugh a lot, and it will be clear to her that she is dealing with a humorous guy. A good question to ask a girl, which you definitely cannot afford to miss.

20. What does your name mean?

If a girl has a strange and very unusual name, she would love that somebody asks her what it means. It’s a thoughtful way to let her know that this person is interested in her.

Therefore, if you go out with the girl that has an unusual name, be sure to ask her what it means. No doubt about it, another one of the great questions to ask a girl.

21. If you could jump into a pool full of something, what would it be?

Fun Questions To Ask A Girl

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She can say anything, a pool full of money, candies, stuffed animals, etc.. And this will be sufficient for you to deduce what kind of person she might be. (via)
You can also Download Questions to Ask a Girl PDF (without commentary)

30 Good Questions to Ask a Girl

1. Which perfume do you use? You smell so nice!

2. Where did you buy that pretty dress from? It looks gorgeous on you.
3. Where did you get your hair done from? The hairstyle looks great on you.
4. You are so intelligent. Which school do you attend?
5. Did you get your awesome sense of humor from your dad?
6. Which style icon do you follow? Your fashion sense is truly enviable.
7. Your skin is so smooth and flawless, which skin care regime do you follow?
8. Do you work out regularly? You look so healthy and perfect.
9. Do you read a lot of books? Because you are so knowledgeable.
10. Do you learn music or are you naturally gifted?
11. I like your company a lot; can I hang out more with you and get to know you better?
12. I like your personality, can we be friends?
13. Isn’t the weather good to have a nice cup of coffee?
14. What do you like doing the most over weekends?
15. You look a little off, would you like me to get you an ice-cream of your choice?
16. Your bag looks heavy; would you let me carry it for you?
17. Can I call you when I feel like hearing your voice?
18. Can you help me out with this homework/assignment?
19. I am weak on this subject, would you mind teaching it to me?
20. I would like to talk to you; can I have a few minutes of your time?
21. The seat beside you is unoccupied; can I have a seat there?
22. I am new here; can you show me around the area?
23. I hate eating alone; can I join you and your friends for lunch?
24. I have tickets for your favorite band; would you like to go with me?
25. Which genre of movie do you like to watch the most?
26. Which subject do you love the most? And why?
27. Would you go out with me?
28. Who do you consider as an inspiration in your life?
29. What is your favorite color?
30. Whom do you love the most?